Manage Flows


Flows are form-driven workflow processes that start when a user fills out and submits a Form associated with the first step of a workflow. This leads to the form data being carried over to another iteration of the form (or a different form entirely) and accessible to specified users and roles via their Task List, where that user may fill out additional information or verify existing information from the previous submission.

The Flows page will list all Flows that exist within the Application you selected. Each Flow will be listed on its own line with the following options: “Design”, “Open”, “View Submissions”, “Edit”, and “Delete”.

To see where users ma access the steps of a flow, see Task List.



To create a new Flow, click the “Create” button in the upper right corner of the Flows list.

This will display a pop-up where you can enter the Name and Description for the Flow you wish to create. Clicking the “Cancel” button will cancel the process and return you to the Flows list, while clicking the “Create” button here will create a new Flow with the specified Name and Description.

Create Flow

Editing Properties

Clicking the “Edit” button will display a pop-up with the Name and Description of the Flow. Clicking the “Cancel” button will cancel the process and return you to the Flows list, while clicking the “Save” button here will save the selected Flow with the new Name and Description provided.

Rename Flow



Please use caution when choosing to delete an Flow, as this action can NOT be reversed.

Clicking the “Delete” button will display a pop-up asking you to confirm whether you wish to delete the Flow or not. Confirming this action will delete the Flow as well as any submission data associated with it.


Clicking this is toggles a flag in the LiveForms database entry associated to the flow to be either false (0) or true (1). Clicking “deploy” sets the flag to true and clicking “undeploy” sets the flag false. If using LiveForms with another website, you can query the database in order to see which flows are deployed and enable links based on the results. Below is an example SQL query which would return all deployed flows. Replace the {LFSchema} with the schema name LiveForms uses:

SELECT * FROM liveforms.app_flow WHERE deployed = 1;


Clicking on the “Permission” button brings an interface for defining who what specific rights over a specific flow.


Users must have the designer role in order to reach this menu.

Form Permissions Settings

There are three levels of security for each feature:

  • Public: Anyone may utilize the feature.

  • Protected: Usage of the feature is restricted to the specified users or roles.

  • Private: Usage of the feature is restricted to the admins and the original creator.

The following features can be configured individually:

  • Who can use this flow?: This right is needed to open a flow.

  • Who can review submissions for this flow?: This allows access to the submissions of a flow.

  • Who can modify the design of this flow?: Allows designing, opening, copying, and deploying the flow.

  • Who can manage this flow?: Grants complete control over a flow.